Tackling cancer directly

Annual Patient Support Meeting 30th October 2024
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Your Stories
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My name is Ian Veitch, and I was 49 when diagnosed with colorectal cancer, this was following repeated visits to my GP practice over an eighteen month period. I finally got referred in November 2012, I was informed by the colorectal nurse who carried out the colonoscopy that I had a cancerous tumour in my rectum and biopsies were taken to confirm. I then had both an MRI & CT scan to confirm staging. My tumour was 52mm in length, it had gone through the bowel wall and was in an area with some lymph nodes, staged at cT3 cN1. It was decided that the tumour would need to be shrunk to allow surgery. I then underwent a course of oral chemotherapy for 2 weeks followed by a further 5 weeks of chemotherapy and external beam radiotherapy which was completed on the 8th February 2013.
Restaging scans were carried out in April 2013 which showed significant downstaging with all lymph nodes and primary tumour regressing significantly to a length of 27mm. I was offered surgery and told this would result in the need for me to have a permanent stoma which I declined as I was still only 49 years of age, so I refused surgery and got referred to Professor Myint for consideration of Papillon boost treatment.

Jasmine's story 2019
My name is Jasmine Kaur, and I was 43 when diagnosed with colorectal cancer. I was told by the nurse who did the colonoscopy that the tumour in the rectum area is cancerous and I will be called in for a further CT scan and MRI in two weeks, following which the MDT (Multidisciplinary Team) will decide about further action. All this took roughly about a month and the consultant at the Hillingdon Hospital simply told me they will remove the rectum and I will have to live with a colostomy bag for the rest of my life. No options given. My entire world collapsed in front of my eyes as this is something I had not even thought about or could not see myself living with a colostomy bag. I then found out about Professor Sun Myint who is a pioneer in the field of Papillion Contact X-ray Brachytherapy.
Joanna's Story – 2018
Two years ago while waiting to be wheeled down the theatre for a colonoscopy, my consultant came into the room and told me the results of my biopsy. All very matter of fact, no drama, no hand wringing, just ‘by the way it’s an adenocarcinoma, but don’t worry, I’ve got a plan, will discuss when you come round.’ In a heart beat, I was a member of a club, I never wanted to join! ....
Jim's Story
In December 2018, when I was 90 years old, a cancerous rectal polyp of about 3 cm in length was diagnosed by a CT colonography scan and confirmed by same-day biopsies following a rectal bleeding incident at home. A previous scan in 2011 showed no rectal cancer. Given the short length and the relatively recent ‘no cancer’ scan my doctors suspected that this was probably an early stage rectal cancer.
click for full story
Robin's Story
My story began in 2015, at the age of 65. We had a great year going to South Island New Zealand and Singapore for 4 weeks in February, with a couple of friends and had a fantastic time. Came home, tiled our daughters cloak room and then to the wife’s sister in June for a week and went for a long bike ride but felt uncomfortable on the ride and had passed a little blood. I thought it was nothing, maybe piles. Had done all the normal screening tests in the past, no sign of any issues. However decided I should get checked out and made an appointment at the local Health Centre in June. I was examined by a doctor and she thought there may be an issue and I should be fast tracked to our local Hospital in Ipswich......
I was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer in January 2016 (T3 N0 M0). My local surgical team (in a major South West hospital) said the only treatment was the “gold standard” abdominoperineal resection (APR), in which one’s bum is cut out, sewn up and a permanent stoma (poo bag) is created on one’s tummy (colostomy).…
It all started in November 2013. At the age of 81 years and in good physical health I noticed blood where there should not be blood. I talked to my very excellent GP, Doctor Thomas and from here the magnificent NHS rolled into motion…and my life changed considerably. I learned a new language. Words and…
My name is Ron Johnston and I’m writing this story two reasons. Firstly, to acknowledge my gratitude to Prof Myint and his Papillon team at Clatterbridge Cancer Research Centre. My other reason is to add my story to the others on this site to give hope and confidence to those…
My name is Richard (I’m the one on the left of the picture) and on the 2nd March 2012 at 2.30pm at the age of 38 years old I was diagnosed with bowel cancer. This discovery came about after 12 months of being told that I was suffering from IBS and who am I to…
Papillon treatment: A Patient’s Story
This short film follows patient Andrew Haig as he has Papillon treatment at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. It shows what the treatment is like and what patients can expect when they come for treatment at a Papillon centre.
The day I was diagnosed with bowel cancer, I was dumbstruck, and the day that I was informed that I needed surgery to remove a section of my bowel, sew up my bum and attach a colostomy bag, was the end for me, emotionally and physically. I could not envisage my future. I could only see…