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Update to my story that I wrote back in March 2014

It is now 11 years since my diagnosis and treatments, and I am now 65  years old.
Each year my partner and I have attended the annual PAPS meeting to show our support
for this very important treatment for patients. It was good to be able to once more attend

after the Covid Pandemic and hear other peoples experiences. 
The one thing that has not changed is that we are still talking about surgeons not passing on the

information regarding Papillion treatment and where viable its role in avoiding the need for a colostomy

bag when it could possibly be avoided. 
Myself, well I am living proof that the treatment does work. Admittedly not in all cases but where it

is possible for it to be used I would definitely recommend it as a first course of action. I do still have some effects from the treatments that I had, but these are a small price to pay as I have been able to carry on with my life as I did previously to having the diagnosis. Yes I have changed some things like not going out early in the mornings due to needing a toilet
urgently.  When going on Holiday I don’t have anything to eat until I get to my destination, some
foods I avoid as it irritates the damaged area and causes bleeding ( But saying that I do sometimes
have these foods as a treat and then pay the price for a day or so). We do need to have treats.
I have had checks each year (except during Covid) where I have had the dreaded camera, some
small polyps were removed and this year I had a flat polyp removed which was all ok. My
consultant a Mr Hunter based in Hull has now discharged me but I will have another check-up in
three years time.
Thinking back now to when I saw the consultant at the local hospital which was coincidently on
my birthday, being told it wasn't going to be a good birthday and then being told that the only
option for me was to have a colostomy bag fitted for the rest of my life, I would like the consultant
to rethink their options as due to the treatment I received from Professor Myint I have had 11 years
free of cancer and a colostomy bag, great holidays in Italy, plenty of meals out and fully able to
enjoy life.

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Papillon Patient Support Website gratefully acknowledges continuing support from :
                          David Andrew Research Trust and family (DART 43)   

webdesign: ronjohnston 

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